Innovation and Incubation Center (ICSC-IIC) ?
In tune with vision to nurture and to inspire student community across the Degree Colleges of Jammu and Kashmir for developing and fostering an environment of ideating amongst the students and entrepreneurship by creating a vibrant and conducive Startup ecosystem in the UT, the Department of Higher Education has designated the Islamia college Srinagar as Incubation and Innovation Hub with GDCs of district Bandipora and Ganderbal as its spokes. The innovation and Incubation Hub center that has been instituted at this college is called Islamia College Innovation and Incubation Center (ICSC-IIC).
Vision of the Center
our Vision is to strive to convert ICSC-IIC into Atal Incubation Centre (AIC), a start of art Incubation and innovation center under the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM). with the state of the art physical infrastructure, in terms of capital equipments and operating facilities available to the innovators and incubatee start-ups.
Mission of the Center
Developing and put in place the atmosphere of ideation amongst the students, to shape and transform their ideas into reality, to develop among them the entrepreneurship mindset, and commercializing the ventures and products and services.
Aim of the Center
The target group for the ICSC-IIC shall be the students of the college, its spoke colleges and the local population of Srinagar particularly Sher-e-Khas in the field of Handicrafts. The novel and innovative ideas from our students that will be incubated at our center shall be open to all domains of humanities, science, commerce, computer applications, information technology, etc. However, in case of the local population of Downtown Srinagar, innovative and novel ideas in the field of handicrafts, their design element and value additions shall be incubated in consultation with the Craft Development Institute (CDI).
Objectives of the Center
1. The general objective of the Hub is to put in place an incubation and innovation platform that incubates any innovative idea capable of introducing new or disruptive technology in the development of existing and new products, processes or services among students. <br>
2. To provide service and support for the local population of Srinagar particularly Sher-e-Khas in the field of Handicrafts, their design element and value additions to local population of the Downtown Srinagar
3. To provide mentoring and handholding of allied spokes<br>